Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Prabowo-Hatta Promise Revenues Increase to $ 60 Million

Mate Prabowo - Hatta Rajasa determined to increase the per capita income of Indonesia's population , from Rp 35 million to Rp 60 million minimum . This is an effort to build a strong economy , sovereign , just and prosperous as a real implementation of the agenda and program to save Indonesia .

That is one translation of the vision - mission of presidential candidates that carried Gerindra vice president and five other political parties , as quoted from the official website of the Commission .

The following points related complete build a strong economy , sovereign , just and prosperous .
( Read: ciri burung pentet jantan )

1 . Increasing per capita income of residents of Rp 35 million to Rp 60 million with a minimum of economic growth to 7 percent per year towards growth above 10 percent , with the strategy of high -quality economic growth through increased growth through the production sector so that an optimal balance is achieved with growth triggered consumption .

2 . Improving the equity and quality of economic growth by reducing the gap between the poor and the rich ( lower the Gini index of 0.41 into 0.31 ) , and increasing the human development index ( HDI ) of approximately 75 to 85 .

3 . Improve absorption of the labor force towards 2 million jobs per year through improved regulation and infrastructure for the processing of labor-intensive industries ( textiles , shoes , footwear , electronics , and other ) , and the opening of new agricultural land , and make -owned enterprises state ( SOEs ) that have strategic value to the economy of the nation as a locomotive and spearhead economic revival and sovereignty .

4 . Establish processing industries to add value to the control of the national economy .

5 . Establishing and developing national industry .

6 . Taking a proactive policy in maintaining stability of the financial sector through the reduction of the risk of instability of internal and external financial sector .

7 . Establish Special Economic Zone ( SEZ ) Finance integrated with tourism , property , education , creative industry , services , retail and commercial . Government investment budgeted approximately 2.25 billion - 3 billion over 7 years .

8 . Organizing Budget is pro-people . In terms of acceptance , increase state revenues from about 12 percent to 16 percent ratio of GDP to implement the intensification and extension of tax collection and improvement of the tax system fairer and suppress wasteful and inefficient spending budget .

9 . Terms of state spending , making government spending rather than simply as a source of growth , but also as a means of equalization .

10 . The financing side :
a. Gradually lowering the budget deficit to 1 percent of GDP began in 2017 , which focused on financing infrastructure deficit .
b . Reduce new foreign loans by the government , both multilateral and bilateral , with a target to zero in 2019 .
c . Managing government debt carefully and wisely and utilize efficiently and effectively .
d . Develop innovative financial products from countries that are integrated with the tax innovation , especially in the form of infrastructure bonds .
e . Developing social infrastructure financing schemes such as clean water and hospitals , among others, by the PPP / Private Finance Initiative ( PFI ) to record the cost of money was only slightly above coupon securities .

11 . Improving the competitiveness of businesses in the ASEAN Economic Community and the global competition .

12 . Makes Indonesia as a center of banking / finance sharia Muslim world and the creative industries as well as building a village of creativity for the creative industries in various cities / counties that potential .


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